
Another Faculty Member is Published


Warner Assistant Professor of Elementary Education, Laurie Boulden has publisher another book. Her previous book published earlier this year is titled Flood: A Wife for Shem. This novel is called Weighed Down: A Love Story Worth Lifting Up! and is a contemporary Christian Romance that would make a great winter read.   We all have something … Read Post

Warner Music Featured on “Out and About Art”


Warner University’s Ensemble Choir and their director, Mr. Dana Hofstrom, were featured on today’s Polk TV “Out and About Art” Christmas edition. Click below to see and hear a glimpse of last weekend’s performance at the Lake Wales Art Center captured by Polk TV: It was a packed house – there were over 400 in … Read Post

I’munique Green- Strength Through God and Basketball


Coming from having a strong role model in her life, her mother, this basketball player knows all about toughness, but during I’munique Green’s time at Warner, she has learned the compassion of Christ. “My two siblings and I always knew about being strong because my mom was the strongest person in my family, and she … Read Post

New Tennis Courts on Campus


The Warner campus tennis courts just received a whole new makeover! With a generous gift from alums Laura (BA’03) and John (AS’12) Motis and the green light from President Hoag, the new Warner courts were completed in just two weeks. Warner’s Updated Tennis Courts The two courts were pressure washed, leveled, sealed, painted, and even the … Read Post

Court and Fitness Center Dedicated


In November, Warner dedicated the court inside the Turner Athletic Center, as well as the Fitness Center, to the Tye Family. Men’s and women’s volleyball and basketball games are played on this court, as well as intramurals and band practice. The court was aptly named the “Psalm 119 Court” after Mrs. Tye’s favorite scripture for … Read Post

WU Alumni Spotlight- Dr. Brenda Longshore


Dr. Brenda Longshore (BA’93) graduated from Warner with a degree in Elementary Education, which she now uses to serve in her newly elected position as Superintendent of Highlands County Public Schools. “In addition to the formal training, the ongoing support and encouragement through the years from the Warner staff has been instrumental throughout my career,” … Read Post

Just Call Him “Nyke”


Nykemis Pelham is one of the men behind the famous first place finish at the 2016 Hurricane Alumni Invitational at the University of Miami for the 4×100 relay that was broadcasted live on EPSN 3. Here is your chance to actually get to know this incredibly fast competitor. His friends call him Nyke for the … Read Post

Inauguration Ceremony for Pres. Hoag


On Friday, Nov. 4th, with over 1,000 attendees packing the First Baptist Church of Lake Wales sanctuary, Dr. David A. Hoag was inaugurated as the third President of Warner University. Warner students, faculty, staff, community leaders, donors, guests, and Presidents from other colleges came together for this most regal of ceremonies. Ceremony at First Baptist Church … Read Post

Warner Benefits from Financial Gift


Warner’s Ag program has been recently awarded a financial gift that will help with three crucial projects over the next year. As a result of the benevolence of Homer and Annette Thompson, a Polk county couple deeply rooted in the citrus industry, we were gifted $36,000 to complete these projects which are aimed at promoting education … Read Post

2016 Distinguished Alumni Awards


  Warner University will be celebrating their 2016 Alumni Awards during the Homecoming Chapel on November 3rd.  This year’s three recipients are Mr. Lee Jackson (BA ’03), the late Dr. Patsy Charlene “Dodie” Haynes (BA’78), and Dr. David Sebastian (BA’75). The Distinguished Alumni Award Mr. Lee Jackson is the recipient for the Distinguished Alumni Award, … Read Post