Swindle Ag Complex Dedication Celebration!
The Ed & Myrtle Lou Swindle Agriculture Complex at Warner University is nearing completion! SAVE THE DATE September 20th, 2018 11 am Dedication Celebration RSVP to Tera.White@warner.edu
The Ed & Myrtle Lou Swindle Agriculture Complex at Warner University is nearing completion! SAVE THE DATE September 20th, 2018 11 am Dedication Celebration RSVP to Tera.White@warner.edu
This year, Warner hosted its second annual “Thompson Summer Ag Camp” (Camp ROAR) June 24th-27th. The theme was a circus named ‘The Greatest Camp’. The camp counselors: Abby Crawford, Colton Elder, Keri Greenwood, Morgan Kennedy, and Bristol Wells worked to bring the Ag Industry to life for students in 9th -12th grade from all across … Read Post
Warner University hosted its first annual “Homer and Annette Thompson Summer Ag Camp” June 26-28. It was through the benevolence of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson that the Agriculture Studies program could host a summer Ag camp for high school students. The camp registration opened in March and was full within a few weeks! Each camper … Read Post
Warner’s Ag program has been recently awarded a financial gift that will help with three crucial projects over the next year. As a result of the benevolence of Homer and Annette Thompson, a Polk county couple deeply rooted in the citrus industry, we were gifted $36,000 to complete these projects which are aimed at promoting education … Read Post
For most college students, Spring Break consists of sand, sun and fun, but for eight Warner students and two professors these things were found in a whole new light. The inaugural International Agricultural Development class spent eight days in Victoria, Honduras on the “Suzanne Crews Agricultural Mission Trip” March 19-26. These days were spent touring … Read Post