Camp ROAR was the Summer’s “Greatest Show”


This year, Warner hosted its second annual “Thompson Summer Ag Camp” (Camp ROAR) June 24th-27th. The theme was a circus named ‘The Greatest Camp’. The camp counselors: Abby Crawford, Colton Elder, Keri Greenwood, Morgan Kennedy, and Bristol Wells worked to bring the Ag Industry to life for students in 9th -12th grade from all across … Read Post

Inaugural Thompson Summer Ag Camp

Thompson camp 2017

Warner University hosted its first annual “Homer and Annette Thompson Summer Ag Camp” June 26-28. It was through the benevolence of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson that the Agriculture Studies program could host a summer Ag camp for high school students. The camp registration opened in March and was full within a few weeks! Each camper … Read Post

Warner Benefits from Financial Gift


Warner’s Ag program has been recently awarded a financial gift that will help with three crucial projects over the next year. As a result of the benevolence of Homer and Annette Thompson, a Polk county couple deeply rooted in the citrus industry, we were gifted $36,000 to complete these projects which are aimed at promoting education … Read Post

Warner’s Ag Class on a Mission

Ag Missions Trip Group photo

For most college students, Spring Break consists of sand, sun and fun, but for eight Warner students and two professors these things were found in a whole new light. The inaugural International Agricultural Development class spent eight days in Victoria, Honduras on the “Suzanne Crews Agricultural Mission Trip” March 19-26. These days were spent touring … Read Post