Warner Benefits from Financial Gift

Warner’s Ag program has been recently awarded a financial gift that will help with three crucial projects over the next year. As a result of the benevolence of Homer and Annette Thompson, a Polk county couple deeply rooted in the citrus industry, we were gifted $36,000 to complete these projects which are aimed at promoting education and careers in local agriculture.

One of the projects included in this funding is the “Secondary Education Ag Teacher In-Service Day”, where Ag teachers from Polk County high school will learn new Ag education techniques and receive resources to provide that education in their classrooms.  They will also become familiar with the curriculum and activities of the Warner’s Ag program, have lunch and earn education credits to help advance their careers.

A portion of the funding helped cover the costs of sending a small group of Warner University Ag Studies students to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis. This year, a few of the students received the prestigious American FFA Degree confirming the completion of a specific set of rigorous qualifications. We were proud to have these students receive their degrees in October live on RFD-TV.

The largest amount of funding will promote and host the 1st Annual “Homer & Annette Thompson Summer Ag Tour Camp” on the campus of Warner University next Summer. High school students who are interested in agriculture will spend three days touring a wide variety of Ag operations in Central Florida to become familiar with processes, equipment and career options.  With overnight stays in the Warner residence halls, students will experience life on a college campus with meals and specific on-campus activities.  Students will leave with a better understanding of educational and career options and supporting resources, as well as professional and peer contacts to support their future in the industry.


We are so thankful to the Thompson family for their support of Warner and Agriculture!

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