WU Alumni Spotlight: Dena Yohe

Warner University alumna Dena Yohe (BA ’74) earned her degree from Warner in Social Work, and is now an author, speaker, and mentor to parents.

Dena Yohe

Dena  Yohe (BA’74)

Dena and her husband Tom (BA ’75) co-founded their ministry “Hope For Hurting Parents” in 2011, and in July 2016 Dena published her book You Are Not Alone: Hope for Hurting Parents of Troubled Kids.

“We started this ministry and I wrote my book as a direct result of what we went through with one of our children. Our middle child struggled with addiction, cutting, mental illness and more,” said Dena.

“We felt very isolated, full of guilt and shame. We didn’t know where to turn for help.”

“God showed up in powerful ways to help us and grow us. But because we had found so little help during our suffering, we decided that when we had healed enough we would help others.”

You Are Not Alone: Hope for Hurting Parents of Troubled Kids has endorsements from Campus Crusade for Christ, Family Life, Focus on the Family, and Dr. Dobson’s Family Talk ministry.

With the book’s success, Dena and Tom were invited for an interview on Dr. Dobson’s radio program that aired January 11 and 12 of 2017. They also have upcoming interviews on Family Life and Focus on the Family this spring.

Dena’s book has been highly recommended for pastors by retired Church of God leader and pastor, David Shultz, and licensed mental health counselor Leslie Vernick. It was even referenced and quoted by Dr. David Jeremiah of Turning Point Ministry in his new book on hope.

Dena would love to return to Warner to guest lecture in a ministry class.

“I can educate students on how to minister to hurting families whose children are struggling with addiction, mental illness, self-injury, suicidal tendencies or sexual trauma,” said Dena.

During her time at Warner, Dena’s favorite memory comes from the spiritual principles that Warner brought to her life.

“I transferred in from two years at a secular junior college where I was merely a number with few uplifting influences. The difference was like night and day when I came to Warner,” said Dena.

“Being surrounded by mature, intelligent, seasoned believers was a welcomed gift for my new life in Christ.”

For more information on Hope For Hurting Parents visit HopeForHurtingParents.com, and You Are Not Alone: Hope for Hurting Parents of Troubled Kids is available on the website or anywhere fine books are sold (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, LifeWay, etc.).

Dena Yohe book


Congratulations to Dena and Tom and may God continue to bless them in their servant hood!

1 thought on “WU Alumni Spotlight: Dena Yohe”

  1. Through the pain of life comes healing, hope, forgiveness, growth, and opportunity help others. So thankful for His strength flowing through you two! You are examples of Christ — active and alive — witnesses of His amazing love and grace!


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