The seventh annual Warner Cares Day took place on Wednesday April 3rd, 2019, with over 450 faculty, staff, and students taking the day off from work and study to help make an impact
in Warner’s home community of Lake Wales.
Starting the morning at the little league baseball field, the group of volunteers gathered for the opening ceremony and received words of appreciation and encouragement from leaders of the Lake Wales community, including Mayor Eugene Fultz, Lake Wales Care Center Director Rob Quam, City Manager Ken Fields, and our own President Hoag, who reminded us that we as Christians are a light to the world and a city on a hill.
With numerous projects to accomplish throughout the Lake Wales community, WU students, faculty, and staff divided into groups of their respective teams, majors, and clubs, with students who were not members to a specific group joining in wherever they were needed. This eager group of volunteers completed 38 service projects with a total of 1,353 of service hours, serving anywhere from local schools to the LW Library, Bok Tower and Kiwanis Park to the airport, Stirring Waters and multiple projects for the Lake Wales Care Center.
Even though the focus of the students was to give back to the community, they still received a great deal from this experience. Katrina Perkins, an agriculture major, who helped spread mulch on the school grounds commented:
“Too often we focus on what is happening in our lives instead of what is going on with others, Warner Cares Day was a great reminder of how it feels to help others.”
In an interview during chapel another student, James Fleming, stated:
“Something that was special to me with Warner Cares Day is the unity that the school manifests during this time, just joining together and serving one another and this community.”
The faculty also had positive things to say about Warner Cares Day and the students involved. Dr. Moyer, the Senior Director of Special Projects, shared his thoughts:
“I believe the greatest exercise for our hearts happens when we give of ourselves to help others. Warner people giving to the Lake Wales community is an example of us “exercising our hearts” through service.”
Justin Sharpless, Chair of the Agricultural Studies Department, who led a group of students at H.E.A.R.T., said:
“Seeing my students volunteer their time in service to others makes me hopeful for the future of our society.”
Wonderful community sponsors helped to make this year’s event a success.
A big thank you to:
Dyer Chevy/Kia
Florida’s Natural Growers Foundation
Mike Martin Ag Law
Publix Supermarket Charities
for your support!
After a morning of hard work and fellowship, “the future leaders of our society” were rewarded with a bar-b-que lunch and a fun afternoon of bungee jumping, water slides, and other fun activities.
Thank you to everyone who participated in Warner Cares Day!
See you next year Royals!
Proud of all of you. Building bridges for sure.