Warner Cares Day
Warner Cares Day 2019
The seventh annual Warner Cares Day took place on Wednesday April 3rd, 2019, with over 450 faculty, staff, and students taking the day off from work and study to help make an impact in Warner’s home community of Lake Wales. Starting the morning at the little league baseball field, the group of volunteers gathered for … Read Post
6th Annual Warner Cares Day
Speaking to a group of 357 students along with faculty and staff from Warner University on the morning of April 4, Lake Wales mayor Eugene Fultz personally thanked them all for serving the community of Lake Wales. To students attending Warner from outside Lake Wales, Fultz said, “You have done enough that Lake Wales is … Read Post
5th Annual Warner Cares Day Goes Big
Warner University continued their tradition of Warner Cares Day, now the fifth annual, with over 450 Warner University faculty, staff, and students all serving the community on April 5. Over 350 of those were Warner students. “It’s a blessing and inspiration to be a part of this family that comes together to serve others,” said … Read Post