2020 Suzanne Crews Mission Trip

In a world full of chaos I know that our God is as good as He has ever been.

I am certain of this, because just a few weeks ago myself, ten other students, and two of our professors were blessed to take a trip to Honduras as part of our International Ag Development class. We were partnered with Heart to Honduras, an organization dedicated to spreading the love of Jesus and providing a sense of joy to the young people of their country. A trip of this caliber was one that I knew would inevitably transform my life if I allowed it to. I had no idea just how much I would see a change sweep over my classmates and I as we spent seven days soaking in all that this beautiful place had to offer. 


hondurashayleycoffee hondurasginger

The foundation of our trip was to learn about the agriculture of Honduras and be able to understand what our industry looks like outside of our home country. We were able to visit a multitude of farms that included fish, dairy, pigs, coffee, cocoa, pineapple, banana, plantains, and ginger. Almost all of these farms were connected to the community and were managed by some of the most knowledgeable people I’ve ever met.


honduraspig hondurasilapiafarm
They were very welcoming and never shied away from answering all of our questions. We were even able to get hands-on at many of the stops, from making real chocolate to turning coffee beans as they dried. The farmers of Honduras made us feel as if we were just as much a part of it as they were. We were able to see some of the struggles they face, but mostly we saw integrity and determination in them that is recognizable throughout our industry. 

On top of learning about agriculture, we were able to immerse ourselves in Honduran life. Every single day there was something new to see and do. Some of my favorite moments included getting to spend time in a couple of the churches that Heart to Honduras is working with to become holistic communities. The people of these towns were generous, kind, and intentional.



On our Sunday there we got to attend a church service and then spent some time learning from the church leaders. At another church we ate lunch with their community leaders, but only after we got to run around a schoolyard with some of the children during their playtime.


hondurasplayset hondurasplayground

This day meant a lot to me. Some of the kids taught me how to say colors in Spanish while I taught them how to say colors in English. Even thinking about it now makes me miss their smiling faces. Other days were full of Moto Taxi rides, a muddy obstacle course at the HTH camp, hiking in one of the National Parks, and a stop at a coffee shop in one of the towns. By the time we had to leave it was starting to feel a little like home. 


hondurascoffee hondurascoffee2
IMG_6741 hondurashome
hondurasobstacle2 honduras obstacle

Our professors told us at the beginning of the trip that the most important thing that could happen to us in those seven days was that we would feel our spirit begin to shift closer to our Creator. I truly believe that every single one of us feels a shift in ourselves.



We formed friendships, laughed, smiled, cried, prayed, worshipped, and had communion with each other. I attribute all of this to the joy that only the presence of Jesus can bring. This trip will always be a highlight of my time at Warner. I am so grateful for every single person that made it possible. 

-written by Anna Conrad

2 thoughts on “2020 Suzanne Crews Mission Trip”

  1. Anna, in addition to seeing how God is at work in the World, seeing Him transform all of you is an unforgettable blessing in my life. I am so proud God has allowed me to be used in introducing you to how He has always worked in His World.


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