Warner Royal track and field athlete, Zach Holman, has qualified for Nationals in seven events. He will compete in four track and three field events on July 14 and 15 of this year.
Growing up, Holman was surrounded by sports lovers, but never saw himself competing on a track or field. After one of his middle school teachers encouraged him to try out for the track team, he immediately fell in love with it and has been working hard ever since. Holman’s success has earned him several awards, including a spot in the Paralympics. To prepare for Nationals, he is really honing in on his endurance. “I have been focused more on speed, form, and endurance, as well as lifting weights at least three times a week,” he said.
The Warner community can’t wait to see how he performs at Nationals!
I loved having him as a student. He is always positive and a role model. I have a great gradaughter with spinobifida and pray she is as inspiring as him. May God continue to be his guiding light.
GrandDad & I are VERY proud of you and are looking forward to being in Birmingham, cheering you on in July! You have always been a blessing from our Lord! Praising Him for this opportunity at The Hartford Nationals conducted by Move United!