Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Your Privacy Matters to Us

Office of Accommodations: Upon matriculation, students may visit the Office of Accommodations during business hours to complete a FERPA release form in the presence of Disability Services personnel. All other FERPA forms must be completed as follows:

  • Academic/Registrar’s Office: Upon matriculation, students may visit the Office of the Registrar during business hours to complete a FERPA release form in the presence of Registrar personnel.
  • Financial Aid Office: Upon matriculation, students may visit the Office of Financial Aid during business hours to complete a FERPA release form in the presence of Financial Aid personnel.
  • Student Life Office Medical / Counseling / Disciplinary: Upon matriculation, students may visit the Office of Student Life during business hours to complete a FERPA release form in the presence of Student Life personnel.
  • Student Accounts Office: Upon matriculation, students may visit the Office of Student Accounts during business hours to complete a FERPA release form in the presence of Student Accounts personnel.