Warner University’s Loss of Student Athlete
The Warner University family has been deeply saddened by the loss of one of our students today, Tuesday, October 8. Theodore “Boobie” Hammonds, a senior member of the football team collapsed after a non-contact football drill. Members of the Warner University athletic training staff were on hand immediately and provided emergency care. Polk County Emergency … Read Post
Dr. Hoag shares about the special tradition of the Royal Walk for all 300 of the new incoming freshman at Warner University! Check out Warner’s Facebook page for the live video of the “Royal Walk”!
Alum Spotlight: Ivelisse Saint Clair
Warner has seen quite a few exceptional students pass through its doors, and Ivelisse Saint-Clair is no exception. In high school, she was in the international baccalaureate program, a member of National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, the National Society of High School Scholars, Student Council, not to mention playing school volleyball and club volleyball. … Read Post
Alumni Spotlight: Sean Kelly
Sean Kelly, an Orlando native, graduated from Boone High School in 2009. He was an avid volleyball player, which he continued through his college career as well. Sean graduated from Warner in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. While playing volleyball at Warner, Sean was able to attend many tournaments out of state … Read Post
Alumni Spotlight: Jeremy Rogers BA’91
Do you know that Warner University has two baseball jersey numbers that are unofficially retired? This is because Jeremy Rogers and Stacy Landress decided one night before baseball season started, that retiring their numbers would be a fun prank. Along with retiring their numbers, they may or may not have made some changes to the … Read Post
Alumni Spotlight: Sonya LaBosco BA’04
Sonya Hightower LaBosco BA’04 lives an active life of giving back in Orlando, as she volunteers with her Rotary Club for the “Gift of Life” program. She and her fellow Rotarians fundraise to bring young boys and girls with heart defects from Belize to Nemours Children’s Hospital for life-saving surgeries. They sponsor a room at … Read Post
Camp ROAR 2019
It is that time of the year again! We are so excited to announce that registration has opened up for the 2019 Thompson Summer Ag Camp “Camp ROAR”! Space is limited, so don’t wait too long! Registration will close June 21st at Noon. To sign up simply follow the link below, or “click” the flyer. … Read Post
We are Royals! Graduation 2019
This year’s graduation was one of the best to date. Along with 300+ students receiving degrees from Warner University, we were able to hear from John Oh, senior pastor of SaRang Church in Seoul South Korea. You can watch Warner’s Spring 2019 Commencement ceremony here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scwhiW2BiLY&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3QmWgHuenn4mxCvJNOKZlZ444WY34DDOjhv149McNyA0T8_lCpG8K0mNg After students walked across stage and turned their tassels, they … Read Post