For an average semester, Warner University faculty members prepare for approximately 140 class periods, or 280 class periods a year. Some of this preparing is done in the evenings, and some members teach more than a full load so that the wheel of the Warner machine can keep turning so smoothly.
Aside from preparing their lessons, they also serve on committees around campus; they invite students into their offices to cry, complain, and ponder life’s big questions; visit with prospective students and their parents; complete accreditation-related work; develop new courses; advise students about their academic plans and schedules; pray with students and minister to them; and attend university events. And then, in their free time, they grade some more!
Because of their dedication and love to education, they also write, present, earn additional credentials, and do various things that win them accolades. Their extra efforts make them better teachers and colleagues which in turn makes their students better.
In the last year we have had 10 faculty members go above and beyond in their area of expertise. Check them out below:
Mrs. Kelly Mills
In November, Mrs. Mills presented a paper titled “Power over Retribution: Narrative Ethics and Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon” at South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference in Atlanta. In this paper, Mrs. Mills analyzed Morrison’s novel through a narrative-ethics lens, arguing that Pilate’s justice system is superior to Guitar’s and ultimately influences Milkman’s personal transformation.
Dr. Timothy Dwyer
Dr. Dwyer’s essay titled “Because of Transgressions’ (Gal. 3:19): Reassessing Jerome” will be published in a collection of essays by Wipf and Stock publishers. The essay addresses which “transgressions” caused the giving of the Law.
Dr. Dwyer’s major article titled “Day of the Lord” was published in the October issue of Light and Life, the magazine of the Free Methodist Church. In this article, Dr. Dwyer argues that the Day of the Lord is God’s reclamation of the world.
On the Street Level: The Apocalypse of John is a”street-level” commentary on Revelation in which Dr. Dwyer uses Francis Asbury as a paradigm to look at the book from a non-elite perspective. The publisher of this book is the Light and Life, a publishing house of the Free Methodist Church.
Dr. Jonathan Reed
On November 16, Dr. Reed performed with tenor recording artist Patrick Muehleise at the Lake Wales Arts Center. He also presented “Aural Skills: How Hearing Makes Doing and Seeing Work” to the Ridge Music Teachers Association and will be presenting it to the Mid-State Music Teachers Association during the 2020 semester.
Dr. April Steen and Dr. Winnifred Whittaker
Dr. Steen and Dr. Whittaker presented in November at the annual conference of the National Association of Christian Social Workers. The title of their presentation was “Transformative and Ethical Self-Care: The Overlooked Core Competency.” Their presentation focused on the role of Scripture in self-care and how it transfers to a social worker’s work.
Mr. Daniel Estabrooks
Mr. Estabrook’s article titled “Riparian Habitat of Streams Used for Breeding by the Streamside Salamander (Ambystoma barbouri) in Middle Tennessee” was recently published in The Tennessee Journal of Herpetology. This article is about the habitat requirements of Tennessee populations of the Streamside Salamander.
Dr. Lynn Johnson
In May 2019, Dr. Johnson took and passed her SHRM-SCP exam. SHRM-SCP stands for Society of Human Resource Management-Senior Certified Professional. This new certification further distinguishes Dr. Johnson as a leader in her field and enriches her classroom with practical experience and knowledge.
Dr. Tim Craig
Over the summer, Dr. Craig led a session with a colleague from another university at the Alternatives 2019 Student Radio Conference in Cambridge, England. Dr. Craig also presented original research at the Popular Culture Association of the South meetings in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Dr. Laurie Boulden
Dr. Boulden’s presentation titled “Seeking the Seminole Indians” was chosen for the National Council for Social Studies Conference held in Austin, Texas, this past November. She will also present it at the Sources Conference in Orlando in January. “Seeking the Seminole Indians” is about a professional development program developed from a grant sponsored by Waynesburg University and the Library of Congress.
Dr. Lawrence Clark
Dr. Clark’s paper titled “Simulating Pension Value with WL Transitional Probabilities” was chosen for the Southeastern Economic Association Conference in Fort Lauderdale this past November.