Campus Safety and Security

Available 24/7

Keeping Our Community Safe

The Campus Safety and Security office works around the clock to keep our campus safe. You can count on our team to provide you with peace of mind while you are on campus. Our Campus Safety team is always staffed, and we also have a partnership with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office for additional security support.

The Warner Shield App

When you are a student here you can download the WarnerShield app. This app will send out important campus notifications, including safety warnings or severe weather warnings. The app also allows you to contact the Campus Safety office immediately, no matter where you are. In case of an emergency, the app will also use your phone’s location services so that our Campus Safety office can easily come and help you. Learn more about the WarnerShield app here.

Use WarnerShield to add an additional layer of protection to your campus experience.

Use WarnerShield to add an additional layer of protection to your campus experience.

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